Trust God...Do Good

    ENGAGEMENT     |      EXPOSURE    


Love God / Love Others




   In Introduction to our formal space on the web and this outreach; we first want to say 'WELCOME!!' We hope you find quality information & inspiration both as those are key goals driving the content of our website and our social media on an ongoing basis. It was early in the concept phase; we were directed to "Encourage the Body of Christ..." and during the Pandemic in 2021; to "Reach out as a voice of encouragement to the hurting world..." These directives combined; served as the design behind the creation and progression of the E5 Project beginning February 2023 as well as daily operation.


  As we move quickly towards the halfway point of 2024; we are still concentrating on building KEY relationships with likeminded individuals and organizations for collaboration. We believe that a solid foundation of the right people and groups is crucial in all areas from prayer partners to kingdom growth facilitators. Seeking affiliations with mutually beneficial operators promoting the gospel in the majority of locations across the globe. We are also immediately launching several business services for both faith based organizations on mission as well as  businesses owned by Christian operators. These are services where we have over 20 years of experience/resources and we have put together opportunities to double your investment thru our matching grants.....these allow you to achieve exposure for your target promotion AS WELL as invest in a digital evangelistic or discipleship campaign for a single price. REACH OUT for more info. 


   We got our start in the arena of unconventional digital marketing over 2 decades ago with a concentration in creation of FREE and low-cost resources for business owners. We enjoyed many years in the commercial market providing billions of ad placements to thousands of clients across the globe. In late 2012; we exited the market as a viable provider of online solutions to concentrate on other interests with no second thought...OR so we thought..... but God had a different plan.

  Fast-forward 12 years and we are deeply ingrained in the digital promotion space having worked with hundreds of business owners in support of their online growth. With daily expansion of our online resources; we hope to return to our digital branding full time at some point as well as to drive this outreach.  Regardless; we have taken to serious task the assignment of using our talent and resources in generating global internet exposure for the kingdom of God thru this outreach. Should you desire to know more about the operational side of; REACH OUT


  As represented by the 'E5' portion of the name; we are five-fold in purpose with each tier represented beginning with the letter E: Educate, Empower, Encourage, Engage, Exposure. As we developed early on in late February and March of 2023 and forward; the information for the outreach came really fast and we developed it as best as time allowed directly on social media. It is strongly recommended you visit our Facebook Page HERE for March-June 2023 for extensive info. The central DNA of our motto & core values are driven by Psalms 37:3-5 & Proverbs 3:27-30 and summarized as......"Do Good......NOW"

VISION & PURPOSE are driven towards achievement thru a fluid set of DAILY prioritized guidelines adapting to demands on...

Posted by E5 Project-Daily Inspired To Trust & Do Good on Tuesday, February 21, 2023

  As you will see; the 5 fold mission is driven by the belief that each represented purpose may be achieved simultaneously dependant on the viewer, creative use of quality content, the application of that content to each individual viewer personally, and the power of the Holy Spirit to use the content in the lives of the viewers. One persons encouragement may be of primary educational value to the next, and of course kingdom engagement for all.



  Our Partners come in 3 forms. 2 of these relationships are not specifically indicative of formal relationship in either respect but rather assistance as the season is needed and always being in each others hearts as family in Christ:

1/ Partners we support - These include grass roots organizations we assist in providing exposure to potential donors for their ministries online OR exposure for their message locally via digital assets. Providing outreach and discipleship materials as opportunity presents. Building brand exposure campaigns for faith-based endeavors of all types. Information/Research, Support and Training Services for church and parachurch organizations across the globe. Many of our front-line, closed border partners are given anonymity publicly but interested parties may request information to assist partners in these locations.

2 / Partners in Resources - These are individuals or organizations who share a similar vision and invest in our purpose to Encourage, Inform, and Expose the kingdom of God to the world. These partners provide resources in the form of Prayer, Use of our Professional Services affording us income, Resource Assistance and Donation.  Prayer is ALWAYS a welcome means of assisting us...We daily seek attentiveness to opportunities and wisdom for engagement. We always need resources in form of contacts and people on the ground(Persons of Peace) and resources in general. Pray for people to Pray.

To joint venture, partner, or support...Please Contact Us

3 / Partners in Earning - These are a more formal partnership as it is based on relationships where we use our digital skills to promote the products or services of other organizations in line with our standards for profit. These partnerships include product promotion opportunities such as we have with , OR formal use of our Professional Services affording us income. This brings the best of both opportunities together....We support our outreach and our visitors can purchase quality items/services while knowing they are supporting kingdom growth. Please enjoy the SHOP and our Professional Services page(coming soon). Visit frequently as new Partner Resources will be added often.


  We will be adding MORE quality faith-based items to the shop section as we find unique products and services. Enjoy the THOUSANDS of Quality, discount items from pages below.




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